Mark with daughter

A Family Spark Ignites a Lifelong Passion 

In this edition of our Faces of Flight series, we introduce you to Mark Egan, an aviation expert with a unique journey into the skies. Mark’s love for aviation started at home. When his parents took up flying lessons in the early 1990s, they couldn’t have predicted that their son would take to the skies as well.  

“My mom had nightmares of flying into powerlines, and my dad ultimately decided not to mix work with flying, that’s when I picked up the interest. They let me take ground school at the local airport,” Mark explains. “When I was studying for the FAA written exam, they realized I was serious enough to start regular flight lessons.” 

From there, his path was clear. After graduating from UND, Mark’s first role in the aviation world was training new Cirrus owners, a position that laid the foundation for his future in aircraft sales. 

Balancing Aviation and Fatherhood

Though Mark is immersed in the aviation industry, his biggest priority is his family. A father of two

Mark and his wifeyoung children, he dedicates most of his free time to family life—he jokes about “pulling weeds in the flower beds on Wednesday nights” (his “escape” from bedtime chaos), and enjoying hikes and dog walks with his wife and kids when time allows. 

“Truly, I enjoy spending time watching my kids participate in youth sports and traveling when we can fit it in,” he says. 

From the Office to the Cockpit 

Mark spends the majority of his time at his “airport office,” which, according to his kids, is spending time on the phone and sending emails while at his treadmill desk. But his favorite days are when his office transforms into the cockpit of an aircraft. 

“I love repositioning aircraft for closings or inspections,” he says. “It’s a chance to get hands-on with the product we’re selling and give clients firsthand experience.” 

Matching People with the Perfect Plane 

Mark’s true passion lies in what he calls “sales engineering”—helping clients find the best aircraft for their specific needs. With a deep knowledge of Cirrus aircraft, Mark enjoys digging into clients’ preferences, like whether they need turbo, how many passengers they typically fly with, and even if air conditioning is a must-have feature. 

“These conversations help narrow down the search and allow me to recommend an aircraft that’s perfect for them.” When asked about his favorite aircraft, Mark doesn’t hesitate: “I work with a lot of Cirrus, and I love Cirrus Aircraft.” His passion for the brand shines through in every interaction, and it’s clear that his expertise helps clients feel confident in their decision to fly a Cirrus. 

Mark with son


Keeping Clients in the Air 

One of the most memorable experiences in Mark’s career was helping an older pilot who could no longer qualify for insurance due to age and value of their new(er) SR22. Mark helped them transition to a lower-cost G6 SR20 with viable insurance, allowing them to continue flying—something they had enjoyed for decades. It’s experiences like these that make Mark’s work so rewarding. 

Building Lasting Client Relationships 

For Mark, client relationships don’t end after a sale. Whether it’s joining conference calls with attorneys, offering hands-on experience before Vision Jet training, or fielding questions about the best accessories to purchase—he’s there every step of the way. 

A particularly rewarding moment was helping an SR22 owner transition into a Vision Jet. “We flew the SR22 to the pre-buy location together, and then test-flew the Vision Jet,” he recalls. That client is now on their second Vision Jet and plays an active role in mentoring other pilots in the Vision Jet community. 

Mark’s Advice for First-Time Aircraft Buyers 

“It’s never too early to start the process,” Mark advises. “You don’t know what you don’t know.” He encourages prospective buyers to get informed and begin their research as early as possible. Mark is always open to meeting new clients and reconnecting with old ones. He’ll be attending the following events:  

  • Sep 26-28, 2024: COPA Migration in Scottsdale, AZ
  • Oct 24-26: Cirrus Aircraft, ConVerge in Scottsdale, AZ
  • Jan 6-10, 2024: Cirrus CX in Orlando, FL


If you’re visiting the Vision Center Campus in Knoxville, he’s happy to show you around or recommend a great lunch spot near the airport. You can reach Mark anytime via phone or text at 612.321.6489 or email—he’s always ready to answer your questions.